Radost v neradostné době
Sdělit nám anglicky své radostné zážitky z víkendu byli ochotni šikovní sedmáci:
Birthday cake
My brother had a birthday this Saturday and I decided to bake a cake for him. I thought what kind of the cake I should bake. I know that my brother likes chocolate, but he likes vanilla, too. So I made a compromise and I baked a vanilla-chocolate cake. My dad helped me a lot because when I was making the cream, he ran to the shop and bought all ingredients. It took all day to make a whole cake, but it was worth it. The cake tasted delicious and my brother was very happy.
Linda H
Lost in the forest
At my weekend on January 8th I was funny and happy. I was cross country skiing with my friends and family. When we were running on a long track, which was challenging for me, there was an accident in the middle of the track. We got lost in the forest. That sounds scary, but it wasn't. Nobody knew where to go, but we met a man. He knew the way so he took us to the hotel, where we were staying and we invited him to have dinner together.
Josef R
My skating day
My nice weekend was in January. I and my family went skating on a near pond. It was a snowy day and the paths were frozen so it was really slippery. We went through the forest that was all covered with snow. We arrived there and there was nobody else except us! We checked if the ice is not gonna break. It was safely fine. We put on our skates and went skating. Even my dog was skating with us! He was running around but he didn´t much enjoy it because he was scared. When the sun was setting down, we went back home. I really enjoyed that day!
Amálie K
On a family trip
Last weekend I was on a trip with my family. We wanted to see the natural attraction „Velká Amerika“. The weather was nice and the sun was shining. It was wonderful! We walked around the quarry and enjoyed the beautiful view. When we were going home, we saw a beautiful sunset.
It was an amazing trip!
Ema P
Všichni čtyři autoři vytvořili zajímavý text, použili správně právě probírané učivo (minulý čas prostý a průběhový v souvětí), vyhledali si neznámou slovní zásobu a použili ve větě a hlavně – upekli jsme s nimi domácí dort a zažili zimu na sněhu či ledu, krásné počasí s výhledem do krajiny, napětí i radost. Radost v neradostné době.
E. Sodomková